What Kind of Cheese Goes on Pizza

Pizza, a universally beloved dish, has captured people’s hearts and taste buds worldwide. While the debate over the perfect crust, sauce, and toppings rages on, one thing remains constant: the role of cheese in making a pizza truly exceptional. In this article, we’ll go into detail about pizza cheese, looking at the different kinds, what makes them unique, and why your choice of cheese counts.

The Importance of Cheese in Pizza 

Before we jump into the types of cheese, it’s crucial to understand why cheese plays such a pivotal role in pizza-making. Cheese, in essence, is the glue that holds all the other ingredients together. It provides a creamy, gooey texture, contributes to the overall flavor profile, and helps achieve that perfect golden-brown crust. Pizza would only be the delicious delight we know and love with cheese.

Mozzarella: The Classic Choice 

Mozzarella cheese is the undisputed champion when it comes to pizza. Its mild, slightly salty flavor and exceptional reliability make it the top choice for traditional pizza makers. Whether you prefer a New York-style slice or a Neapolitan pie, mozzarella delivers the quintessential pizza experience.

Cheddar: A Bold Twist 

For those seeking a bit of a flavor punch, cheddar cheese can be a game-changer. Its sharp, tangy taste complements toppings like bacon, jalapeños, and onions, creating a unique pizza profile.

Parmesan: The Flavor Enhancer 

Parmesan cheese, with its nutty and salty notes, is often used sparingly as a finishing touch on pizzas. A sprinkle of freshly grated Parmesan just before serving can elevate the taste of your pizza to a whole new level.

Provolone: Creamy Goodness 

Provolone cheese, with its creamy texture and mild flavor, is an excellent choice for those who desire cheese that melts beautifully. It blends seamlessly with other cheeses for a rich, gooey finish.

Combining Cheeses for the Perfect Pizza 

While each cheese has unique attributes, the magic often happens when you combine them. Mixing different cheeses can add complexity and depth to your pizza.

The Classic Blend 

Combining mozzarella and cheddar creates a balanced, flavorful pizza that appeals to a wide audience. The creaminess of mozzarella complements the sharpness of cheddar, resulting in a harmonious blend.

The Italian Trio 

For a taste of Italy, consider using a mozzarella, Parmesan, and provolone trio. This combination provides a rich, full-bodied flavor that enhances the overall pizza experience.

Vegan and Lactose-Free Options 

In today’s culinary landscape, dietary restrictions are common. Fortunately, there are cheese alternatives available for those who are vegan or lactose intolerant.

Vegan Cheese 

Vegan cheese, made from plant-based ingredients like cashews or soy, has come a long way in terms of taste and meltability. It’s a great option for those looking to enjoy pizza without dairy.

Lactose-Free Cheese 

Lactose-free cheese is perfect for individuals with lactose intolerance. It offers a similar taste and meltability to traditional cheese, making it an excellent substitute.

Unique Cheese Varieties 

While mozzarella, cheddar, Parmesan, and provolone are some of the most common choices, the world of cheese offers a vast array of unique and exotic options to explore.


Gouda cheese can give your pizza a nice twist. It tastes smooth and a little bit sweet. Mix it with onions and mushrooms that have been sautéed to make your mouth water.

Blue Cheese 

For those with an adventurous palate, blue cheese provides a bold and tangy flavor that pairs exceptionally well with sweet or spicy toppings. Try it with figs, honey, or buffalo chicken for a gourmet pizza experience.


Ricotta cheese offers a light and creamy texture, making it a great choice for white pizzas or as a dollop on top of red sauce pizzas. It complements spinach, garlic, and roasted red peppers beautifully.

Cheese Storage and Handling 

For a great pizza, you need to make sure the cheese is fresh and of good quality. Here are some tips on how to store and handle items correctly:


No matter what kind of cheese it is, like mozzarella or cheddar, it should be kept in the fridge. Please put it in a container with no holes or tightly wrap it in plastic wrap so it doesn’t dry out or pick up smells.


If you have leftover cheese or want to stock up, you can freeze cheese successfully. However, it’s best to freeze cheese before it’s grated. Shred the cheese and store it in a sealed freezer bag. When needed, you can use it straight from the freezer.

Bringing Cheese to Room Temperature

Before using cheese on your pizza, let it come to room temperature. Cold cheese melts less evenly or smoothly than cheese at room temperature.

In the world of pizza, cheese is more than just a topping; it’s the heart and soul of the dish. Whether you opt for the classic mozzarella, experiment with cheddar, or explore vegan alternatives, your choice of cheese can make or break your pizza experience. So, the next time you savor a slice of pizza, remember that the cheese you choose is what makes it truly exceptional.

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